Skyview Radio

Western PA nets and stuff

WPA Health & Wellness Net every weekday morning at 9:00 am on 3983 kHz.

The Western Pennsylvania Phone Traffic Net meets daily ay 5:30pm local time on3918 kHz (This is the official NTS WPA traffic net since 1974)

EPA Phone Traffic Net daily 5:00 PM 3.918
WPA Phone Traffic Net daily 5:30 PM 3.918

The Pennsylvania Statewide DMR net is held every Tuesday evening at 8:00 pm on DMR talkgroup 3142.

WPA Digital Voice Net takes place every Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm on DMR talkgroup 31422.

The Western Pennsylvania ARES Voice Net meets every Saturday morning on 3983 kHz at 9:00 am. Everyone is welcome.

The PA HF NBEMS Net meets Sundays at 0730 for Early, Out-of-State Check-ins, and then starts at 0800 for Pennsylvania Check-ins. frequency is 3583.0 kHz USB / 1500 Hz Waterfall, the mode for initial call-up and check in is THOR 22 for check-ins and then using MFSK32 or THOR 50×1 for traffic.

Sunday mornings, the PEMA ACS Central Area Net takes place at 8:30 am on 3993.5 kHz for stations in Bedford, Blair, Centre, Clinton, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Mifflin and Potter counties. Everyone is

Every Sunday morning at 9:00 am, the PEMA ACS Western Area Net meets on 3990.5 kHz for stations in the westernmost 24 counties of our WPA section. Everyone is welcome.

Here is a downloadable PDF


  1. Western PA Phone Traffic Net daily at 530pm on 3.918khz.

    Eastern PA Phone Traffic Net at 500pm daily on 3.918khz.

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